What a month!! Download the new version of Silhouette Studio or wait. Waiting seems to have paid off.....Silhouette has restored some of the features we used efficiently and continues to update the new software.
Belinda has downloaded and has been pleased. We will have to pick her mind at the next group meeting and hopefully, find out what is really great about this version. Her Silhouette blog and comments about this has me ready to download without hesitation.
Monday, May 5, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. is our next come together. Some tips to pass along and Belinda said last time she would review the print and cut in the new version.
Working on some show and tell from internet free files and should have some samples to bring. If you applied the Trace feature we looked at last month on a project, do bring it to share.
Always seems to be more to cover than the time we have.
Looking forward to a sunny day and Silhouette sharing.