Monday, December 9, 2013

TIPS AND TRICKS: Split screen view

Have you ever downloaded a cut file from the Silhouette Store and then when you open it in your Drawing Window it is a clear cut file and all the pretty colors the designer used are gone?  Many of us end up clicking back and forth from window to window to know which color papers to use to cut the file on the Silhouette.

Well there is a better way...

The first thing you want to do is click on the Show Library icon (the icon is on the left side of the screen and third from the bottom.

Then click on the Show Window and Draw Area button (the bottom icon).

Then select the file you want to use and click on it to load it into the Draw Area.

Now you can see the image and your drawing area at the same time while you work.

You can also resize each window to suit your needs.
So if you didn't know this, then give it a try!


  1. This is a terrific tip. I do exactly what you said, click back and forth. Belinda, you are super!!

    1. Thanks. I will keep sharing tips as I learn them.

  2. Belinda - I am sorry we aren't meeting this month as I have a ton of questions. My biggest problem is that when I do words they come out terrible. I am so disapointed! Do you have any tips for this?
